Sunday, November 11, 2018

What is Q (Payment Network)

What is Q (Payment Network)

- Q is Payment Network

- Q will creat the global currency in 7 steps.

Benefits Of Q 

1. Currently we are using the old and outdated payment system so we are bearing unnecessary cost. The technology already exists to replace your wallet with a fast and secure digital payment method.

 2. There are many advanced payment technologies and innovations waiting to be deployed. 

3. So why don’t we already have newer, better systems? Because there’s a “chicken and egg” barrier — no buyer will join a new payment network with no sellers, and no seller will offer a new payment option that no buyer uses.

4. If someone built a modern payment system that implemented these technologies and somehow got buyers and sellers to adopt it, this system would quickly become popular. It could eventually end up seeing 20 trillion dollars in transactions per year.

5. Now imagine this system created a dedicated global currency. Let's call it Q. According to economic models, the value of all Qs would be several trillion dollars.

6. Initiative Q is reserving this Q currency for people who join today — the earlier you join the more Q you can reserve!

7. It’s like a self-fulfilling prophecy. As millions join, advanced payment technologies are deployed, the payment system becomes even more popular, the Q currency becomes valuable, and rewards given to early users reach their potential value

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